Food After Wisdom Teeth Removal

After wisdom teeth removal, it is important to pay attention to the type of food you eat. Soft foods such as mashed potatoes or yogurt are best for the first few days after surgery because they are easy to chew and swallow without causing discomfort. Additionally, cold foods such as ice cream can help reduce swelling and pain.

It is also important to avoid hard crunchy foods like chips or popcorn that could get stuck in the extraction sites and cause infection. Finally, eating plenty of protein-rich foods including eggs, fish, chicken, lean meat and tofu can help promote healing.

After having your wisdom teeth removed, it’s important to focus on eating soft foods that are easy to chew and swallow. Soups, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, smoothies made with yogurt or milk, oatmeal porridge and blended vegetables are all good options. Try to stay away from crunchy or hard foods such as chips, nuts and popcorn for the first few days until you get used to your new mouth situation.

Eating a balanced diet of nutritious foods helps ensure speedy recovery so don’t forget about fruits and veggies!

How Long After Wisdom Tooth Surgery Can I Eat Normally?

Once you’ve had wisdom tooth surgery, it can take some time before you can eat normally again. Generally speaking, your doctor will advise avoiding hard or chewy foods for at least 24 hours after the procedure. During this period of time, stick to a soft diet such as mashed potatoes, yogurt and applesauce.

After 24 hours have passed, most people are able to gradually add more solid foods back into their diets every few days until they’re eating normally again. However, if you experience any pain or discomfort when attempting to eat solids then stop and wait another day before trying again. It is important that you don’t rush the healing process after having your wisdom teeth removed; doing so could lead to longer recovery times or even further complications down the line.

Can You Eat Mac And Cheese After Wisdom Teeth?

Yes, you can eat mac and cheese after wisdom teeth removal! When it’s time to start eating solid foods again after your procedure, soft foods like mac & cheese are a great option. Macaroni and cheese is packed with protein from the cheesy sauce as well as carbohydrates from the noodles, making it an ideal meal or snack for those recovering from wisdom teeth extraction.

However, make sure to follow your dentist’s instructions when it comes to what type of food you should be consuming following the surgery. If they advise against hard or crunchy foods due to risk of infection, opt for softer versions such as creamy macaroni and cheese instead of baked varieties that contain crispy breading on top.

Can You Eat Ramen After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Yes, you can eat ramen after wisdom teeth removal. It is important to follow your oral surgeon’s instructions for eating and drinking following the procedure. Generally, they will recommend that the first 24 hours be spent on a soft diet followed by a gradual reintroduction of solid foods over the next week or two as long as there is no discomfort when chewing.

Ramen noodles are an ideal food choice because they are already cooked and do not require much chewing. However, it is important to make sure that you choose a broth-based soup with reduced sodium content since high salt intake can increase swelling in your mouth immediately following surgery. Additionally, it is best to avoid spicy flavors so that any irritation caused by flavorings does not worsen healing time or recovery process.

What Can You Eat Day 2 of Wisdom Teeth Removal?

On day two of wisdom teeth removal, it is important to stick to a soft diet. This means avoiding hard or crunchy foods like chips, nuts, and popcorn as they may irritate the extraction site. Soft foods such as pudding, yogurt, applesauce, mashed potatoes or bananas are all great options for this day since they will be easy on your mouth and gums.

You can also try some cooked vegetables that have been pureed into soup form if you’re feeling up to it. Additionally, scrambled eggs with cheese are an ideal meal choice as well. It is also recommended to avoid drinking from straws and eating anything overly hot or cold since these temperatures can cause discomfort in the area where your tooth was extracted.

As long as you focus on keeping things gentle and soft while avoiding any irritating substances in your mouth then you should be able to enjoy most of what day 2 has to offer!

Food After Wisdom Teeth Removal


50 Soft Foods to Eat After Tooth Extraction

If you recently had a tooth extraction, it can be difficult to eat solid foods. However, there are plenty of soft food options that are both nutritious and easy on your sore mouth. Examples include mashed potatoes, porridge, yogurt, oatmeal with milk and honey, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese with fruit or vegetables, applesauce, smoothies made from frozen fruits or vegetables pureed in a blender with some liquid like juice or milk for texture and flavor.

Additionally you can try steamed fish fillets without skin or bones as well as cooked grains such as millet or quinoa mixed into soups for added nutrition.

When Can I Eat Solid Food After Tooth Extraction

Eating solid food after a tooth extraction can be resumed as soon as the anesthesia wears off and you are no longer feeling numb. However, it is important to wait until the bleeding has stopped and your mouth feels normal before eating anything that requires chewing. During this time, you should stick with soft foods such as yogurt, mashed potatoes or applesauce to give your gums enough time to heal and prevent any further injury.

List of Soft Foods to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

When recovering from wisdom teeth removal, it is important to pay attention to your diet and eat soft foods that are easy to chew. Soft foods such as mashed potatoes, yogurt, applesauce, oatmeal, soups without large chunks of vegetables or meat, smoothies and shakes with crushed ice can be good options for those who have recently had their wisdom teeth taken out. Additionally, cold foods can help reduce swelling near the extraction sites.

Avoid crunchy food like chips or hard candy which could irritate the wound or cause infection.


Overall, wisdom teeth removal can be a daunting task but there are some simple steps you can take to make the recovery process easier. Eating soft or liquid foods after your procedure is an important part of maintaining optimal health during this time and helps ensure that you get enough nutrients while healing from surgery. It may not be the most exciting diet change, but it will help you stay healthy and avoid complications associated with wisdom teeth removal.

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