how long will the increase in food stamps last

how long will the increase in food stamps last

How long will the increase in food stamps last?

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered an increase in food stamps provided by the government to help those in need. But how long can this increase be expected to last?

Short Term

In the immediate and near term, the increased assistance in food stamps is expected to remain in place. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act provides for an increase in funding and additional benefits for those already enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). These additional benefits include a 15% increase in the monthly SNAP allotment to most households across the country, and an additional $95 million in funding for emergency food assistance.

Longer Term

As the pandemic continues and economic uncertainties continue to plague the nation, the future of food stamps becomes murkier.

Options for the Long Term:

There are a few potential scenarios which could play out over the longer term.

  • Maintain and Expand: Congress could opt to keep the current increase in SNAP funding in place, and even expand it further. This would provide critical relief to those in need and stabilize families and households impacted by economic hardship.
  • Tapering away: At some point, the government may opt to taper away the increased SNAP distribution. This approach would systematically reduce the SNAP support over a specified period of time, phasing it out gradually rather than yanking it away suddenly.
  • End: Congress could simply choose to end the increased support. This would be a controversial decision, as it would immediately cut food benefits to tens of millions of families.


Currently, the increased SNAP benefits appear to be relatively secure for the immediate future, thanks to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. Beyond that, however, the future of the increase in food stamps is uncertain. Congress will ultimately have to choose between maintaining and expanding the increased amount, tapering away from it, or ending the benefits entirely.

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